
Should I Put in a Bay Window?

Putting in a bay window is purely a matter of choice, but before you do there are a few things you should know. Bay windows are not your average run of the mill DIY project. They take some special consideration and planning to do properly

First off let's define what these type of window are all about. A bay window is a window creating s space projecting outward from the main wall resulting in a bay or open area inside the room but outside the normally straight wall line. The angels of a bay window usually follow 90, 135 or 150 degrees, but can vary. The length of each portion of the window will determine how large the bay area is. A window with sections that measure 12 inches on the side and 4 foot across the front using a 90 degree configuration will result in a 4ft square bay area between the two sides, plenty big enough for a window seat or nice sized plant solarium

If we were to change the above keeping the length dimensions but use the 150 degree configuration, we would increase the length of that area by almost double. As the angle increases the outward jut of the window decrease, but the overall width of the window increases and the square foot area would remain the same. Changing the angle definitely changes the overall look of the window as does adding more sections. There are so many fabulous bay window designs on the market today that you can find one or have one built to meet your specific desire.

Some homes are designed from the start with in mind. While some homes lend themselves very nicely to the addition of bay windows to their design, others you may find are not so adaptable. It stands to good reason that when considering this type of addition, it should be planned very carefully.

It is prudent to remember, when attempting to install bay windows where once standard windows were in place, you need to consider the fit and finish of both sides of the wall, in and out. You may find that your existing façade may not easily accommodate, either structurally, or esthetically, the addition of a bay window.

There are a few more key things to consider before attempting a bay installation, weight and support. The larger your window design is, the more it will weigh and the more sophisticated and complex it's securing procedure will be. It will be very important to know the inner structure of your wall to be able to determine if it will support the addition. If you are not sure, or don't know how to determine your walls construction, then this might be a job best left to a professional.

If you are replace existing windows with a that is of the same size, you should be fine, but if you install a window that is over size, and requires more wall space then previously existing windows or the placement is where no windows existed, strengthening of the wall support system will almost surely be required. So be prepared to do some extra remodeling on one side of the wall or the other.

If you intend to do the job yourself be sure to investigate these things in advance of purchasing a custom manufactured bay window. The company won't take it back because you miscalculated or forgot to consider some aspect of the installation process. So plan wisely and do your homework well, (no pun intended.) before you consider installing a bay window.

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About the Author
Robert Greenlee is a freelance author who writes for various web blogs and sites promoting green solutions for many of today's problems that face our planet's ecology. Greenlee has been a proponent of Green living for over 4 decades participating in numerous Green day events and promoting Green living when ever and where ever he can. Robert Greenlee is a frequent contributor on and also

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